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Fix Cloud VPS and Toolforge mail servers to work with the modern internet
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The Cloud Services environment provides two separate SMTP related services: outbound mail sending for all Cloud VPS hosts via the mx-out0{1,2} hosts, and inbound/outbound mail for Toolforge via the service.

Both sets of mail servers have had a long list of historic issues related to modern internet practices of validating message origins/senders to combat spam. Historically these issues have been addressed (or not) on an ad hoc basis as active issues arise. As is often the case with this approach to maintenance of shared systems, once the active event is resolved (or the reporter gives up) the follow up tasks linger and rot in the global backlog. It feels like it is time to actually bundle these tasks together along with a bit of purposeful design to try and dig us out of this tech debt.

See also

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Event Timeline

bd808 triaged this task as Medium priority.
bd808 added a project: Goal.
bd808 moved this task from Inbox to Soon! on the cloud-services-team (Kanban) board.

Change 935380 had a related patch set uploaded (by Majavah; author: Majavah):

[labs/private@master] Add fake WMCS DKIM keys

Change 935385 had a related patch set uploaded (by Majavah; author: Majavah):

[operations/puppet@production] P:toolforge: mail: DKIM sign outgoing mail

Change 935380 merged by Arturo Borrero Gonzalez:

[labs/private@master] Add fake WMCS DKIM keys

Change 935385 merged by Arturo Borrero Gonzalez:

[operations/puppet@production] P:toolforge: mail: DKIM sign outgoing mail

taavi claimed this task.
taavi subscribed.

Boldly closing. Please create separate tasks in Cloud-VPS or Toolforge for new issues.