Gray boxes cannot be expanded in no-JS versions. At the moment they are editable, but only the part that is visible. There is no way to access the overflow text. Scroll and resizing functionality should be added to match the selection boxes. Minimum would be scrolling only, ideal would be both.
Acceptance Criteria
- On click into gray box, user can scroll to see all content within.
- On hover over gray box, user can scroll to see all content within.
- Scroll bar is visible and matches style with the selection boxes. Color is Base 70 (#C8CCD1)
- Resizing icon is added to gray boxes. User can resize vertically.
- On hover over resizing icon, up/down arrow cursor is shown (match existing interaction for resizing icon for selection boxes).
- Above functionality is implemented on both no-JS talk page conflicts and no-JS article page conflicts.