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NDA for superset access request from WMDE employee danshick
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I'd like to sign the NDA to gain access to for website analytics purposes.

See similar request from Kris Litson here:

Employee name: Dan Shick
Role: Technical writer (WMDE)
Wikitech username: Dan Shick

@Kris_Litson_WMDE , please approve.

Event Timeline

Dzahn triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 4 2020, 9:16 AM
Dzahn added subscribers: Franziska_Heine, KFrancis, Dzahn.

HI @danshick-wmde please work with @KFrancis to get the NDA signed. After that we can continue here on the ticket to add you to the relevant group.

Also, please get an approval from @Franziska_Heine or the relevant manager here on the ticket. Thanks!

Aklapper renamed this task from NDA for superset access request from WMDE employee to NDA for superset access request from WMDE employee danshick.Jun 4 2020, 9:27 AM

@danshick-wmde Hi Dan, Please provide me with the following information:
-Full legal name
-Mailing address
-Email address
-Specifics about the type of sensitive data that will be accessed


@Dzahn Update - this request has been sent for signatures. Once it's complete, I'll notify you and you may move forward.

@KFrancis Thank you for the update! It's possible that someone else will continue this ticket because we have a rotating duty to handle access requests. Either way we will see it though and appreciate the update here on the ticket. Feel free to unassign it from you as well once we can move forward.

@KFrancis: let me know when Dan is added to the NDA and MOU spreadsheet so that I can carry on with this request. Thanks!

@ema The NDA/MOU has been added to the spreadsheet. Thanks!

Change 608432 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ssingh; owner: Ssingh):
[operations/puppet@production] admin: add Dan Shick to ldap_only_users group (WMDE) /608432

Change 608432 merged by Ssingh:
[operations/puppet@production] admin: add Dan Shick to ldap_only_users group (WMDE) /608432

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2020-06-29T17:30:34Z] <sukhe> LDAP - added datn to groups wmde, nda - T254442

Hi @danshick-wmde:

You have been added to the "wmde" and "nda" groups and should be able to access Superset now.

$ /usr/bin/ldapsearch -x -b "dc=wikimedia,dc=org" -s sub "mail=dan.shick*" | grep -i uid
dn: uid=datn,ou=people,dc=wikimedia,dc=org
uid: datn
uidNumber: 24139

Please let me know if it doesn't work or if there are other issues. Thanks!

Marking this as resolved. Please feel free to reopen if there are any issues or questions. Thanks!

Thank you! Could someone let me know what credentials to use for ? I am able to log into superset (thanks, Kris!) with my shell username and Wikitech password.

@danshick-wmde (cc: @ssingh @Nuria )

This sounds like it's another case of T252703#6152109 / T252703#6154468

Please try to use "Dan Shick" instead of the shell username and with the same Wikitech password.

(I left a comment on T203132#6271622)

Thank you @Dzahn ! I am often flummoxed by usernames with spaces in 'em, but this worked. Much appreciated --