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QA: Orange Mobile large banners
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi John,

Could you QA these orange banners for mobile large/enNL?

Context: Color tests--no other changes to the control code.
Deadline: We'll put them up when you're done.
As you can see from the links, just English: Thanks!

Orange banner with orange border:

Orange banner with black text:

Orange banner with orange text:

(Control, just for reference:

Event Timeline

Hi John,

Could I bump this in priority? I'd love to replace the NL dark banners with one of these if we can (since they've live). Thanks!

Hey @TSkaff, sure feel free to bump the priority when needed (I think I will get a notification for that too when you do).

Screenshot Test Results Mobile:

Hi @jbolorinos-ctr! Can I put these up? We can talk separately about the contrast issues but it's in control and isn't a blocker for now.


Hey @TSkaff

Yes all screenshot tests have now been reviewed, and all reported issues resolved, so these banners are now READY TO TEST!