Author: loshmi
I'm user from Wikipedia in Serbian. Serbian language has two different writing systems — Cyrillic alphabet (ћирилица) and Latin alphabet (latinica). Wikipedia in Serbian use both — clicking on tab "ћирилица" (sr-ec) or "latinica" (sr-el) a reader can choose one or another. They are pretty much convertible, but in some cases simple conversion isn't enough. For example an article Queen (албум) has English word which should stay unconverted when you click on "ћирилица". Simple conversion would give Qуеен (албум) which is unacceptable. On the other hand, when you click on "latinica" it should change a word "албум" into "album" — Queen (album). In that cases we use a certain template like this -{T|sr-ec:Queen (албум);sr-el:Queen (album)}- which solves that problem. But this template doesn't work anymore. I think that the bug occurred during the recent global reprogramming of Wikipedia. Can you do something about it?
P. S.
I don't know if you're working on the new Wikipedia vector skin, which sooner or latter will become default for all Wikipedias. Current beta on Serbian Wikipedia, doesn't show tabs "ћирилица" and "latinica" in visible way. You have to click on hidden toolbar to switch from one writing system to another. All Serbian sites which has this option put them in some visible place. It's very important for those tabs to be seen by the default, as they are in the current default skin. Otherwise, it would be confusing for the readers, because they might not be aware of them.
Version: unspecified
Severity: major