Author: gsa
Trying to upload a .doc file generated with Microsoft Word 2007 results in:
"The file is corrupt or has an incorrect extension"
The Logfile:
MimeMagic::doGuessMimeType: ZIP header present at end of /tmp/phpq31oe6
MimeMagic::detectZipType: /^mimetype(application\/vnd\.oasis\.opendocument\.(?:chart-template|chart|formula-template|formu
MimeMagic::detectZipType: unable to identify type of ZIP archive
MimeMagic::guessMimeType: final mime type of /tmp/phpq31oe6: application/zip
mime: <application/zip> extension: <doc>
UploadForm::verifyExtension: mime type application/zip mismatches file extension doc, rejecting file
This seems to be known, as$wgMimeDetectorCommand states "For example, 1.15.3 may misdetect .doc-files from MS Word 2007 as ZIP files", but I cannot find a corresponding bug.
23688, 23642, 18684 do not solve the problem.
Version: 1.15.x
Severity: minor