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jenkins-deploy user is not in the docker group
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I have created a new Jenkins agent and the jenkins-deploy user is not in the docker group:

jenkins-deploy@integration-agent-docker-1020:~$ groups
wikidev project-bastion project-deployment-prep project-integration project-puppet-diffs

$ getent group docker

Whereas on old agents it is properly setup:

jenkins-deploy@integration-agent-docker-1001:~$ groups
wikidev docker project-bastion project-deployment-prep project-integration project-puppet-diffs

$ getent group docker

Event Timeline

The group addition has been removed in Puppet by which moved the group management to data.yaml. Although that works for production, the admin module is not used to manage user and groups on WMCS instances. But maybe that can be done in LDAP?

I guess one solution is to add a "if $realm = labs" ( we don't like those very much but sometimes they are still needed) and inside that add the old method with the "exec usermod" back.

Change 621563 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar; owner: Hashar):
[operations/puppet@production] ci: bring back jenkins-deploy in the docker group

Cherry picked the puppet patch and applied it:

integration-agent-docker-1020:~$ sudo -H -u jenkins-deploy docker ps

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-releng) [2020-08-20T18:44:10Z] <hashar> Pooling integration-agent-docker-1020 # T260930 / T260916

Change 621563 merged by Jbond:
[operations/puppet@production] ci: bring back jenkins-deploy in the docker group

I have rebased the CI puppetmaster

I have disconnected/reconnected the integration-agent-docker-1020 agent to have the java process take in account it belong to the docker group.

Wrote a dummy Jenkins job running on the new integration-agent-docker-1020 that ran docker ps successfuly.