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Pywikibot-test is logging in frequently
Closed, InvalidPublic



Pywikibot apparently logins too frequently with its Pywikibot-test account, see:

[urbanecm@mwlog1001 ~/frequent-logins-T256533/data]$ cat goodpass.log goodpass.log-20200828 goodpass.log-20200827 | bash ../
2833    Pywikibot-test
[urbanecm@mwlog1001 ~/frequent-logins-T256533/data]$

That's about 41 logins per hour, and for the analyzed data, it constitutes ~1,5 % of all login requests.

IIRC, Pywikibot should cache the session, from T256533#6408832, Matthias Winkelmann is the only one pywikibot based bot. Perhaps something went bad with login handling recently?

Event Timeline

IIRC, Pywikibot should cache the session, from T256533#6408832, Matthias Winkelmann is the only one pywikibot based bot. Perhaps something went bad with login handling recently?

I use pywikibot too for several scripts and have to login if I use the bot on different devices. The login Information is cached already.

Pywikibot apparently logins too frequently with its Pywikibot-test account, see

We are running 35 CI tests for each merged patch on a clear environment. Test also includes some login/logout tests for normal and oauth access. There are no more than 6 CI tests simultaneous and the the last tests are removed from the queue if a new patch is merged. One CI tests needs about 4-6 hours. There are approximately 10 logging ins for each test ([1] for example): I would expect a rate fo 15/hour. But sometimes logging fails due to underlying problems like T261050 which increases this rate (see [2] for example). Any ideas?


Okay, thanks @Xqt. I think that explains it, and I'm fine with closing this as invalid/declined - I just wanted to know it isn't an overlooked bug, mainly.

@Xqt and @Urbanecm: a couple questions about the Pywikibot CI-related logins:

  • Are these logins happening only on testwiki or on other wikis too?
  • Should we give bot flag to User:Pywikibot-test on test wiki (and any other wikis on which it is used)?

@Xqt and @Urbanecm: a couple questions about the Pywikibot CI-related logins:

  • Are these logins happening only on testwiki or on other wikis too?

IIRC pywikibot runs test suites at more wikis, to account for issues due to specific configuration etc. Logs confirm that.

[urbanecm@mwlog1001 /srv/mw-log]$ grep Pywikibot-test goodpass.log | cut -d ' ' -f 5 | sort -u
[urbanecm@mwlog1001 /srv/mw-log]$
  • Should we give bot flag to User:Pywikibot-test on test wiki (and any other wikis on which it is used)?

I don't think that changes anything - as I said, I wanted to check this is how it should work (and not a bug in PWB session management) :-).