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Acceptance testing for WikimediaApiPortalOAuth and updates to OAuth extension
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Once the necessary components are deployed to the API Portal beta site, validate the following test cases:

  • User with an unconfirmed email address is prompted to confirm their email before they can create a client
  • User with a confirmed email address can create a client
  • When creating an owner-only client, the form requires a client name, description, and terms agreement.
  • After creating an owner-only client, a dialog appears with the client ID, secret, and token.
  • When creating a non-owner-only client, the form requires a client name, description, return URL, confidential status, and terms agreement.
  • After creating a non-owner-only client, a dialog appears with the client ID and secret.
  • Existing OAuth 2.0 clients appear in the client list with their name, created date, and status
  • Existing OAuth 1.0 clients do not appear in the client list
  • The client details view shows the client ID
  • For an owner-only client, the client secret and token can be reset using the reset option
  • For a non-owner-only client, the client secret can be reset using the reset option
  • Changes in client status are reflected in the Portal

Issues identified

Event Timeline

apaskulin updated the task description. (Show Details)
apaskulin updated the task description. (Show Details)

Resolving this task since all test cases have passed. Remaining issues will be tracked individually.