As a maintainer of the wdqs streaming updater I want the pipeline to work correctly with different flink metrics plugins being loaded so that I can switch implementation from the flink config file without rebuilding my application.
the streaming-updater-producer project relies on com.codahale.metrics for:
- the histogram class in MeasureEventProcessingLatencyOperation
- DropwizardToFlinkListener to pass the metrics collected from the rdf components in tools (WikibaseRepository) to the flink MetricRegistry
Currently it seems that the pipeline relies on the flink-metrics-graphite plugin being loaded to make the dropwizards deps available.
Running without it it seems to fail with:
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/codahale/metrics/Reservoir at org.wikidata.query.rdf.updater.UpdaterPipeline$.measureLatency(UpdaterPipeline.scala:154)
- the pipeline should be runable without the flink-metrics-graphite plugin being loaded