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☂ Initial SDC data API
Closed, ResolvedPublic


What does this API need to look like? Permissions to access differnt parts?

Implement API for at least Recording and ManuscriptPrompt

Event Timeline

Lokal_Profil set the point value for this task to 12.Oct 29 2020, 8:35 AM

Change 637522 had a related patch set uploaded (by Karl Wettin (WMSE); owner: Karl Wettin (WMSE)):
[mediawiki/extensions/WikispeechSpeechDataCollector@master] [WIP] Initial API and permissions

kalle renamed this task from Prepare for SDC data API and permissions to Initial SDC data API.Nov 3 2020, 9:25 AM
kalle changed the point value for this task from 12 to 20.
kalle moved this task from 🤠 This week to 😘 Review on the User-kalle board.
kalle moved this task from 😘 Review to 🤔 Awaits action on the User-kalle board.
kalle changed the point value for this task from 20 to 36.Nov 3 2020, 9:58 AM
kalle renamed this task from Initial SDC data API to ☂ Initial SDC data API.Nov 3 2020, 10:29 AM
kalle moved this task from 🤔 Awaits action to 🤠 This week on the User-kalle board.
kalle removed the point value for this task.Dec 2 2020, 11:18 AM

Change 637522 abandoned by Karl Wettin (WMSE):
[mediawiki/extensions/WikispeechSpeechDataCollector@master] Initial API

This was broken down in multiple smaller patches that have been merged.