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Request to add Georgina Burnett to the ldap/wmde group
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I’m employed at WMDE and would like to be added to the ldap/wmde group.
My Wikitech username is Georgina Burnett (WMDE), and my shell username is georginaburnett-wmde.

I need to

  • sign NDA with WMF legal for LDAP access
  • get added to ldap/wmde

Thanks in advance for your help with this :)

Event Timeline

As an Engineering Manager at WMDE, I approve this request and confirm Georgina's affiliation with WDME.
Tagging WMF-Legal as well to ensure the required paperwork is on file.

As the WMF-Legal project tag was added to this task, some general information to avoid wrong expectations:
Please note that public tasks in Wikimedia Phabricator are in general not a place where to expect feedback from the Legal Team of the Wikimedia Foundation due to the scope of the team and/or nature of legal topics. See the project tag description.
Please see for when and how to contact the Legal Team. Thanks!

@Aklapper this message above from Herald seems like something relatively new? Please advise if we should reach out to WMF Legal for NDA and related topics on Phabricator differently.

jcrespo subscribed.

@WMDE-leszek don't worry, the SRE that will attend you will make sure to contact legal in the agreed method (not the tag 0:-)).

CDanis added subscribers: KFrancis, CDanis.

@KFrancis Can you please get an NDA signed with this WMDE staff member? Thanks!

@CDanis Please provide an email address for Georgina and I'll put the agreement together. Thanks!

@CDanis Hello, pinging on this... Please send me Georgina's email address so I may send out the agreement for signatures. Thank you!

Email address sent privately.

@CDanis The NDA is out for signatures. I will confirm when it's complete. Thanks!

@CDanis The NDA has been signed. Please move forward with the access request. Thanks!

Change 664772 had a related patch set uploaded (by Muehlenhoff; owner: Muehlenhoff):
[operations/puppet@production] Add Georgina Burnett to wmde LDAP group

Change 664772 merged by Muehlenhoff:
[operations/puppet@production] Add Georgina Burnett to wmde LDAP group

@georginaburnett-wmde : Your access has been enabled. I'm closing the task, please reopen if you run into any issues!

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-09-20T23:22:10Z] <mutante> LDAP - added georginaburnett-wmde to NDA group (T291391, T273780)