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Install Moodle on a test server
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This can be done on one of our Bahnhof servers. No need for security or stability, just for testing.

  • Add a subdomain for this, e.g.

Event Timeline

Bahnhof server is now up and running at Using minimum specs:

  • 1 CPU
  • 5 GB disk (half full with Ubuntu)
  • 512 MB RAM (maybe 510, Bahnhof can't quite decide).

No bells and whistles such as backups or automatic updates.

@kalle, you should be able to take over this task now. Let me know if anything with the server isn't working.

Moodle is now sad:


Error: Database connection failed

It is possible that the database is overloaded or otherwise not running properly.

The site administrator should also check that the database details have been correctly specified in config.php

Possibly due to too little resources, see T267629: Can't create or modify Bahnhof servers.

It's up again now. Did @kalle (or anyone else) do anything to fix this?

I checked the logs. Could not see any immediate reason for this. Possibly all the automated http driven hacking attempts from all over the world caused the MySQL to go sour due to the very limited RAM resources on the machine.

sudo reboot "fixed" it. I'll keep it under surveillance for the next few days.

Lokal_Profil assigned this task to kalle.
Lokal_Profil subscribed.

The RAM issue is broken out to T276205