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A way to track and remove obsolete templates for StructuredTasks
Open, Needs TriagePublic


In the Russian community, we are faced with the problem that newcomers are fixing articles that have already been fixed before.

The screenshot shows the edits that were made from the StructuredTasks module. We need a way that would automatically remove the template, or send it for verification by an experienced user or mentor (with the removal of tasks from the general feed).

Event Timeline

An article is considered as a pending structured task if one of the maintenance templates listed there is displayed on the article. In our case, викифицировать is visible on each edit. As a consequence, I don't see any problem there.

Edits are tagged so that experienced users can come and check if the edits are good quality. If so, they can remove the template. I won't recommend to have it being treated by a bot, or by newcomers, since the edits aren't always as good as they could.

There are too many edits from newcomers, and the experienced editors simply roll them back without removing the template. I can't convince everyone not to do this, we need a way to control simple edits.

Edits are tagged so that experienced users can come and check if the edits are good quality. If so, they can remove the template.

Plus one more problem in this method, it is impossible to understand from history what task the newcomer was solving

Suggestion: after editing article X on task Y, this article should no longer be shown for a certain period, presumably enough time for the participants to check it.

Edits are tagged so that experienced users can come and check if the edits are good quality. If so, they can remove the template.

Plus one more problem in this method, it is impossible to understand from history what task the newcomer was solving

Is this checking of the history needed? It's a real question. I mean, if you arrive on the article, and find it wikified or with enough sources, you just remove the banner that was asking for a fix. Personally, I would't check on the history: the article don't need this banner for [reason], I personally don't care about what happen to make this banner superfluous. I just remove it. :)

Suggestion: after editing article X on task Y, this article should no longer be shown for a certain period, presumably enough time for the participants to check it.

This would be a possible solution. But it is a temporary one, since the task would come back in the list at some point.

Is this checking of the history needed? It's a real question. I mean, if you arrive on the article, and find it wikified or with enough sources, you just remove the banner that was asking for a fix. Personally, I would't check on the history: the article don't need this banner for [reason], I personally don't care about what happen to make this banner superfluous. I just remove it. :)

On many articles this banner was placed by ancient users, or simply no one follows the articles. If we follow newcomers, it usually happens through recent changes. We can either create as one of the mentor tools "Check articles from suggested edits", where there will be a list of revised articles wards with the type of problem. Then the history is not needed, yes. Otherwise, I don't know how to keep track of these changes.

Using the tags in Recent changes is a way to check if the banners are still needed.

I'm thinking about an alternative that would work on all wikis, that cover the cases where not enough people check on the banners, without implicating bots or automated tools. It is very difficult.

Using the tags in Recent changes is a way to check if the banners are still needed.

I'm thinking about an alternative that would work on all wikis, that cover the cases where not enough people check on the banners, without implicating bots or automated tools. It is very difficult.

I think it should be in mentoring tools. Something like "Check the edits of your mentees". But now I think that the main problem will be solved by T252822, since we mostly have errors with wikify newcomer's task.