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Gamified Knowledge Base Completion Plugin for Wikibase/Wikidata
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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Feb 18 2021, 2:49 AM
Referenced Files
F34126621: image.png
Feb 28 2021, 1:47 PM
F34126614: image.png
Feb 28 2021, 1:47 PM
F34122335: image.png
Feb 25 2021, 2:23 PM
F34120084: image.png
Feb 23 2021, 7:28 PM
F34117967: 2021-02-22 (1).png
Feb 22 2021, 5:53 AM


IMPORTANT: Make sure to read the GSoC participant instructions and communication guidelines thoroughly before commenting on this task. This space is for project-specific questions, so avoid asking questions about getting started, setting up Gerrit, etc. When in doubt, ask your question on Zulip first!

Brief summary

Open data collections -- like Wikidata -- are created and maintained by volunteers and are thriving on community knowledge. Missing or new information needs to be added by community members, otherwise the knowledge base will dry out and be obsolete after a while. Hence, completing a knowledge base is a crucial task within any community-driven initiative. Consequently, helping people to integrate their knowledge into a knowledge base will benefit the growth, correctness, and topicality of Wikidata.

In our earlier research [1] we already showed that it is possible to find outliers in graph-based knowledge bases which need to be checked by experts to ensure the data quality. Our recent implementation of a tool called Wikidatacomplete (c.f., [2]) shows how facts are extracted from text and offered to users for validation. After this process step the validated fact is pushed to Wikidata for later integration. Hence, identifying demands for the Wikidata completion is possible and already has proven its value.

We propose here to implement a Wikibase plugin that is dedicated to facilitate the Wikidata completing process. While navigating through Wikidata, the plugin will show to the user facts extracted from textual sources as well as other knowledge bases (e.g., Wikipedia) which need to be validated. Hence, the Wikibase plugin is showing users suggestions of facts that should be added or changed within the Wikidata knowledge base. To compute the suggestion previously developed services will be used.

Additionally, a badge Web service interface needs to be integrated allowing users to integrate their badge into their profiles of social networks (e.g., on Wikidata’s user page, GitHub profile, Linkedin profile) to show their dedication and motivate other users to contribute, too. A rule-based system for earning badges needs to be implemented.

Skills required

  • JavaScript
  • basic knowledge of PHP might be useful


@DD063520 @AnBo-de @Gabinguo @Aleksandr.perevalov


  • Get familiar with data structures available in Wikidata
  • Select 3 Wikidata entities and manually find missing facts based on external data sources
  • Understand the Wikidatacomplete UI and APIs
  • Activate the Recoin Wikibase plugin in your Wikibase account to see a similar suggestion mechanism
  • Set up the MediaWiki development environment
  • Understand how a Wikimedia plugin is working will provide suggestions: install the Recoin Wikibase plugin in your development environment and analyze the source code to learn how a plugin works

[1] Didier Cherix, Ricardo Usbeck, Andreas Both, and Jens Lehmann (2014). Lessons learned—the case of crocus: Cluster-based ontology data cleansing. In European Semantic Web Conference (pp. 14-24). Springer, Cham.
[2] Bernhard Kratzwald, Guo Kunpeng, Stefan Feuerriegel, and Dennis Diefenbach. IntKB: A Verifiable Interactive Framework for Knowledge Base Completion. International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), 2020

Remark: A long version of the project description is available here.

Event Timeline

This would be very useful imho. We have a similar tool with the Primary Sources Tool ( It is unfortunately currently not in a very good state. Maybe it's worth looking at reviving that.

Gopavasanth subscribed.

@AnBo-de Thanks for bringing this project here!

I'm sure you are aware of the GSoC timeline: and the mentor guidelines:

Also, If your project is ready to get featured, could you list it here by following the format in at the earliest? Thanks :)



yes we are aware of the timeline and the mentor guidelines ...

I added the project

Can you check if evrything is ok?


I am facing some issue regarding set up what to do

2021-02-22 (1).png (1×1 px, 130 KB)

@Bavisettinarayan hi, I'm not totally sure what installation guide you are following. But I would recommand you to take this docker container:
I set it up multiple times myself. The instructions are here:
Once you are done you should have a fully mediawiki + wikibase environment.
Next step should be to install this extension:
Hope it helps!

I have also reviewed the project, idea is super cool and it fits the scope of the GSoC program.

Thank you for verifying the project scope @srishakatux !

@DD063520 Thanks for adding your project here, Looks good :-)

no, this is the github repo for setting up mediawiki + wikibase ... so basically the infrastructure you need to develop the plugin .....

@DD063520 Hi, While getting the dump for extensions I'm getting this and then nothing happens

image.png (123×701 px, 6 KB)

After setting up my environment and I'm following instructions from here:

Hi, this looks normal, the wikibase is empty, when you set it up it is a fresh emtpy install ....
But besides that, what would you like to do?

Hi, this looks normal, the wikibase is empty, when you set it up it is a fresh emtpy install ....
But besides that, what would you like to do?

Hey @DD063520 , Thanks for replying I want to get a extensions folder described in so do
I need to create a fresh directory for Extensions? Because I cannot see any existing Extensions directory

so .... I think the documentation here:
starts from the fact that there is only the media wiki installation. But you have multiple containers. So you have to go into the one where the mediawiki instance is running:

docker ps

then you get a list and one should be called like:

88d6f8e101d3 wikibase/wikibase:1.35-bundle "/bin/bash /entrypoi…" 6 weeks ago Up 5 days>80/tcp euknowledgegraph_wikibase-135_1

you can go into it, i.e. have a bash attached to the machine by:

sudo docker exec -i -t 88d6f8e101d3 /bin/bash

there you should also find your extention folder ...

have fun ; )

@D063520 Sorry for the late reply! And Thank you so much it worked! :)

@D063520 I have installed the extension. Is it correct?

image.png (455×1 px, 74 KB)

looks good! but I must admit that I never did it ; ), installed many other extensions though ; )

One Question, Where do we have to update that the Microtasks given to us are completed?

One Question, Where do we have to update that the Microtasks given to us are completed?

@srishakatux As you wrote most of the information at I would like to ask you: Is there a statement defining where the students should document their progress and completion of the given microtasks?

image.png (169×723 px, 22 KB)

image.png (153×1 px, 35 KB)

From today morning the wikibase containers of docker have stopped working. I uninstalled docker desktop for windows 2 times and reinstalled the compose images and also the docker image from website. When I run on port 8181 it's showing localhost refused to connect. I also tried to run the image on my second pc still I was facing the same issue. I'm using Windows 10 with Linux WSL2 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
So can anyone help me out how I can fix this issue?
Update : It fixed by taking a new image from mediawiki docker website

@DD063520 @AnBo-de @Gabinguo @Aleksandr.perevalov Could you all share with me your email at so I can invite you to sign up on the GSoC site as a mentor?

Saloniig subscribed.

My name is Saloni. I am a computer Science undergrad. I am willing to participate in GSoC’21. This project seems quite fascinating to me. I have knowledge about the skills which you have mentioned. I had also make some good contributions on the various Open-source Projects Like Library Cards Platform. Can you please guide me on this project.

If you see above, a student already tried the first steps. Maybe you can start from there if you are interested .... we will have to organise a bit for the selection process though ....

Dear Community,
love to contribute to this project and I am willing to take up the microtask. I have participated in hackathons and contribute to FOSS before.
Lets collaborate, grow and change the world.
My web portfolio:

Hi @DD063520 @AnBo-de, @Gabinguo, @Aleksandr.perevalov Wikimedia has been officially accepted for GSoC 2021!

As the student's applications period is from March 29 - April 13th, I want to encourage you to go through the further steps to ensure there isn't anything that you are missing:

I am done with the project setup using below link :
I have also setup the Gadgets extension but I am facing one problem. When I try to login into Quickstatements @ http://localhost:9191 page I get below error :

<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught Exception: Error retrieving token1: {&amp;quot;error&amp;quot;:&amp;quot;mwoauth-callback-not-oob-or-prefix&amp;quot;,&amp;quot;message&amp;quot;:&amp;quot;oauth_callback must be set, and must be set to \&amp;quot;oob\&amp;quot; (case-sensitive), or the configured callback must be a prefix of the supplied callback.&amp;quot;,&amp;quot;callback&amp;quot;:&amp;quot;api.php&amp;quot;} in /var/www/html/magnustools/public_html/php/oauth.php:284
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/quickstatements/public_html/api.php(89): MW_OAuth-&gt;doAuthorizationRedirect('api.php')
#1 {main}
  thrown in <b>/var/www/html/magnustools/public_html/php/oauth.php</b> on line <b>284</b><br />

Please tell me how to resolve it and what should I do next.


Hi Saloniig,

nice to meet you. I'm a bit confused about your problem. What is the relation between the gadgets extension and quickstatements?



Actually, I mean to say that I had installed the extension but while exploring the Quickstatements I noticed that there was an error while login. So can you please tell me how to resolve that and what should I explore now or start working with to get involved in this project?


@DD063520 I have installed and activated Recoin Wikibase plugin successfully. Please tell me what should I do next and how should I proceed.


I have set up the project and now working on the Microtask of Recoin. I have installed and enabled the recoin and now exploring it but I am a bit confused about it's working and need your guidance.

Please tell me where we can communicate and please guide me.


Hey Everyone!
I hope everyone is healthy I have a query that for the batch web service we have to program it for all the social accounts or just one?

And one more doubt is there any zulip chat channel for this project where I can discuss about some doubts related to the project.

Sorry guys, we are slightly lost with the Wikimedia workflow. It is also for us the first time ; ) We will try to organise a bit better and come back to you. Anyway, we are happy if you apply for this project and we would love to work with some of you on this cool project!

Hey @DD063520 I read the research of all the mentors and I really found this project really interesting and the algorithms used for completion of KBs is really interesting. I'll definitely apply for this project for wikimedia for this summer . :)

Hey @DD063520 I read the research of all the mentors and I really found this project really interesting and the algorithms used for completion of KBs is really interesting. I'll definitely apply for this project for wikimedia for this summer . :)

Hi @Dhairya3124. We are looking forward to your application. Please keep in mind that we can provide you feedback after you submitted your project proposal to the GSoC Web portal, s.t., you can strengthen your application. So, it would be reasonable not to wait to long. :-)

Hey @AnBo-de I have submitted the application on Gsoc web portal and phabricator :).

Hi @DD063520 @AnBo-de @Gabinguo @Aleksandr.perevalov. I am Shubham Jain. I am a 3rd year computer science student. I have been contributing to wikimedia from October 2020. I have a good understanding of how the gerrit, phabricator, and wikimedia's code reviewing system works. I also have the mediawiki up and running locally on my system. I have read/researched about all the things mentioned in the microtasks. I am looking forward to submit a proposal for this task :)

Dear Students. Please remember to create your submission as early as possible. We, as mentors, can review your project proposal before the deadline and provide feedback, so you can improve it.

Hey @AnBo-de @DD063520 @Gabinguo @Aleksandr.perevalov I hope you're healthy and doing fine! I want to ask about any feedbacks/changes for my application I have also submitted a Draft proposal at Google site.

@Dhairya3124 Look good and very complete! It's fine like this.

@DD063520 Thank you. I'll be submitting my application for final submisssion on Google site by today. :)

GSoC 2021 is long over. Is there anything remaining in this task before it can be resolved? Please consider moving the leftovers to a new task and close this one. Thank you!