Page MenuHomePhabricator delegated Full Google Search Console access for
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This is a request for delegated Full level access for Google Search Console for for This access will in turn be used to grant restricted access to req holding members in the domain for Abstract Wikipedia (if NDA'd contractor access is required in the future we'll request that on a one-off basis in order to ensure decom of access is scheduled), as well as for select read-only members of WMDE (Lydia Pintscher and one or two other members with a need to know).

Event Timeline

jbond claimed this task.
jbond triaged this task as Medium priority.

Sorry for the delay, i have now added to and, please re-open if there are any further actions

Thank you for the access. I see the "owner" access for those domains but am unable to add users. Would you please grant me access on the parent domain? I think that's what will be needed in order for the DNS verification of the domain to confer the actual permission to add users on the subdomains.

@dr0ptp4kt AFAIK what you are asking for is only possible if we where to share the the super user password with you. This would give you admin access over all wikimedia foundations domains which is not something im able to authorize.

Are you able to describe exactly what it is you require. e.g. how many requests to you expect to receive to add users and would the current process of using phabricator and having the sre-clinic duty person action the requests for additional users be sufficient? further can you give a bit more context around the DNS verification you are referring to, its likely that this will need to be added directly to the DNS zones and not configured via the search console.

I'm also looping in @daniel who i have been informed may have some more knowledge on the search console as well as @faidon and @mark who may be able to help with authorising increased permission to the search console if required.

Thanks @jbond.

IIRC the Webmaster Central URL at ought to make it possible delegate owner on that parent domain without conferring other access given that site verification seems to be in place via a TXT record already. No need for the NOC password.

I'm anticipating two WMDE people (although maybe one or two more when an extra engineer or analyst will need access) and five or six Abstract Wikipedia / Wikifunctions people for whom access grants will be pertinent over the next 18 months depending on start dates.

Please do advise. Thanks again, much appreciated!

As an aside, this reminds me, we'll want to line up the DNS entries for for the Abstract Wikipedia team. I'll follow up on that with the team on a separate ticket.

IIRC the Webmaster Central URL at ought to make it possible delegate owner on that parent domain without conferring other access given that site verification seems to be in place via a TXT record already. No need for the NOC password.

Thanks for the pointer i have added you there, are you able to confirm if this resolves the issues