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auto-subscribe cloud-vps and/or toolforge users to cloud-announce
Open, MediumPublic


@Jhernandez just presented survey results that show that ~40% of our users aren't subscribed to cloud-announce.

We should pursue some way of making cloud-announce subscription automatic for wmcs users. Ideally, auto-subscribe when they get their first project membership and unsubscribe when they're removed from their last project.

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The easiest solution is to implement a alias, (with some only allowing mails via cloud-announce@lists.wm.o protection), and subscribe it to the list. The upsides are it can all be done on the Cloud side and has no dependencies on the specific version of mailman. The downside is that many people will use different emails for mailing lists and 60% of users would get double emails!

More involved is to have Horizon and/or Striker subscribe people when they join. In mailman2 you'd have to do shell stuff on the lists server, mailman3 has straightforward APIs to do it (but they currently aren't exposed due to a lack of usecase).

jijiki triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 30 2021, 7:21 AM

It sounds like @Ladsgroup is hard at work getting mailman 3 up and running in prod; I've been thinking that this task should be paused pending that work. Or is it already up and ready to roll?

Lego is doing most of the work these days (I'm more of a cheerleader/emotional support these days). Mailman3 will be accessible soon (hopefully) maybe a couple of months. I assume this ticket is not high priority but OTOH, getting the mailman3's API to be exposed to the cloud might be complicated (security-wise, implementation is easy) I think this needs more thinking. We can have a "bot"-like set of script living in interacting with the API. Wouldn't be too hard. What do you think @Legoktm?

getting the mailman3's API to be exposed to the cloud might be complicated (security-wise, implementation is easy) I think this needs more thinking.

I don't think this will be a concern; all the relevant user management will be happening in Keystone which runs in production space -- as long as the APIs are exposed to internal networks it shouldn't be complicated/dangerous to access to them from there.

getting the mailman3's API to be exposed to the cloud might be complicated (security-wise, implementation is easy) I think this needs more thinking.

I don't think this will be a concern; all the relevant user management will be happening in Keystone which runs in production space -- as long as the APIs are exposed to internal networks it shouldn't be complicated/dangerous to access to them from there.

Filed T279023: Expose mailman3 internal REST API inside Wikimedia production network. I would like to see what access control options exist on the mailman side, but it definitely should be doable.

Filed T279023: Expose mailman3 internal REST API inside Wikimedia production network. I would like to see what access control options exist on the mailman side, but it definitely should be doable.

A few months later, I don't really want to expose Mailman's REST API internally anymore.

Instead I propose:

  • Cloud/Toolforge uses a timer to regularly publish a plaintext/JSON dump of all email addresses that should be subscribed to cloud-announce somewhere that lists1001 can grab it
    • Email addresses are public in ldap, but we may not want to have a public easily scrapable list of everyone's email addresses
  • A timer on the Mailman host downloads the dump, and checks which users are already subscribed to cloud-announce OR cloud-l, drops those. If the user has unsubscribed previously, drop them too. Subscribe the remaining users to cloud-announce.
  • When people are removed from Cloud/Toolforge, they can unsubscribe manually.