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Project-Admins can't set Source Repos on Projects
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When creating (or editing) projects, It looks like project-admin's can't set source repo attribute on the project.

Example of pre-existing project with source repo set:

Screenshot 2021-04-05 220904.png (458×1 px, 37 KB)

Screenshot 2021-04-05 220938.png (780×1 px, 55 KB)

Creation form:

Screenshot 2021-04-05 221806.png (693×1 px, 39 KB)

Event Timeline

Creating: Uhm, right I edited to make that field visible on (but not sure which URL you use).

Regarding editing: I have no idea how to reproduce; that field has been visible for me before when editing. Please provide more info.

Creation now shows, The editing form (#9) doesn't show it

Ah, thanks. I get (I think... I click Manage > Edit Details and then Configure Form > Edit Form Configuration to find out that Form number as Forms are highly confusing to me.)
You seem to get .

I do not know why and what's the exact difference between them. Maybe @mmodell has an idea?

Hi all! I'm getting the same issue. I'm not being able to set source repo for subproject Web2Cit-Core.

On the other hand, I was able to set the source repo for subproject Web2Cit-Server upon creation, but I'm not able to change that now (just an example, I don't need to change it).

Any news?

Form 6 is more restricted, it's for policy-admins not project-admins

I enabled the repository field on form 9.

mmodell claimed this task.