We should create a docs site for mwcli that is easy to keep up to date as things change.
From the email thread so far:
One of the other main things I would love to get right in the next few weeks is the docs experience for mwcli & mwdd.
Personally I think the best experience could be a static site build from the code repo deployed to doc.wm.o?
Unsure; there's definitely value in having docs easily findable on wikitech/mediawiki.org. Maybe ask Sarahor Alex about their thoughts on it? They are managing most documentation efforts at WMF.
Perhaps I should start another email thread with them?
OR wait until we figure out the board cleanup and then make some well described tickets & involve them?
I'm fine with it living anyway.
I'm a fan of the github cli docs and would love to aim for something as nice https://cli.github.com/manual/index