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Implement new site header
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As part of the logged in redesign we will be implementing a new header for the site. The header will eventually contain a search bar for EBSCO Discovery Service, but that shouldn't be part of this task. It will be used on both new and existing pages.


Acceptance criteria

  • Clicking The Wikipedia Library in the top left should take users to the default My Collections view with no filters selected.
  • Clicking the user name should take users to the profile page
  • Clicking 'Suggest a collection' should take users to the suggestion page
  • Coordinators should additionally see 'Review' and 'Mark as sent' links
  • Mobile version
    • Clicking the profile dropdown menu should pop down a menu and invert the arrow to point up.
    • The dropdown should have ‘Review’ and ‘Mark as Sent’ entries for coordinators only. (Frame 80)
  • The header is used on all existing pages in place of the old one
  • The old header template has been removed

Event Timeline

Samwalton9-WMF renamed this task from Redesign site header to Implement new site header.Jun 25 2021, 1:48 PM
Samwalton9-WMF created this task.

The search bar can be left out of the header to start - we'll implement it in another task.

Samwalton9-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

I've just updated this task per our conversation yesterday to also include implementing the header on all existing pages. Let me know if this should be its own task.

On reflection, deploying this right away has confused getting to the 'all partners' page, because there's no longer a link in the site header and 'See More' is a non-obvious way of getting there from the homepage, but I think this is fine temporarily.