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Implement text filtering
Closed, ResolvedPublic


While the filtering systems in place for My Library are useful, they are inflexible and can't hope to cover the full breadth of searching users might want to carry out. To solve this we'll implement a free-text filter, through which users can search for keywords they are interested in, such as "Newspapers" or "Video". This will search collection descriptions to find relevant results and should update in realtime.


Acceptance criteria

  • Typing in the text box filters visible collections in real-time
  • Collections should be filtered based on a basic text match to their short and long descriptions
  • Matching text should be highlighted in FFFB99 in the case of short descriptions. Long descriptions aren't shown or highlighted but should still be searchable.

Event Timeline

Samwalton9-WMF removed a project: Design.
Samwalton9-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
Samwalton9-WMF removed a subscriber: mxn.

This seems to be working much better than yesterday :)

I only have one niggle: if your search in favorites yields 0 results, it doesn't switch to the next tab over like the other filters do

Because this is happening 'live', I actually think this would be confusing behaviour.

After we talked through what it would take to implement my suggested behavior, we all agreed that it wouldn't be a great use of our limited engineering time, meaning we'll just skip it anyway. Reviewed and merged!