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Create simple variant of Dialog component
Closed, InvalidPublic


Parent Epic: T289052

As a WD/WB designer and developer, I want to contribute with a new complex dialog component to our component library, and reuse it in the Mismatch Finder, because it will allow users to:

  • Get heads-ups and direct feedback on their actions.

Screenshot 2021-09-13 at 10.16.46.png (448×650 px, 40 KB)

Acceptance criteria

  • The dialog is implemented according to the Figma specs (which are fully outlined using tokens): it displays the states listed below and presents the described responsive and i18n behaviors
  • The dialog follows the accessibility recommendations specified in the component documentation
  • The dialog's component-level tokens are created according to the naming convention, and used to style the component (TBD by @Sarai-WMDE )
  • The dialog is displayed in Storybook according to the specifications (see below)
  • The dialog has browser tests implemented (if needed)


  • Structure: the Dialog component has its own section is Storybook, called "Dialog". The section contains a "Simple" section demoing the Simple dialog variant, and a "Complex" section displaying the "Complex" dialog.
  • Behavior: users should be able to open and close the dialog (using the close "X" button or its options). (A button could serve as trigger)
  • Controls: users should be able to modify the copy of the title, the body and the button labels of the simple dialog


  • It should be possible to leave the slot for the secondary action (represented by a normal neutral button) empty
  • Please note that the dialog component is always displayed on top of an overlay that covers 100% of the viewport's surface
  • Responsiveness: Unlike the complex dialog, the simple dialog does not present a different layout on mobile. Their width, though, should never be bigger than 90vw on small screens.

Event Timeline

There might not be a use case for the Simple variant of the dialog component in the context of the Mismatch finder website after all: all the dialogs are used to provide quite extensive content, instead of short notices. Were this to be confirmed, this ticket should be declined.

This ticket is no longer relevant because we're deprecating our legacy design system, WiKit (See T327532)