Let's add core MediaWiki with CentalNotice installed as a separate service to the fundraising-dev docker stack so folks on the team can run it locally.
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Just a few notes here, for when we get to this:
- We could create FR-specific images based on the stock MW Docker images and setup.
- Changes I think we'd want to make:
- Use MySQL instead of SQLite, since this is more similar to production, and at least at one point CN had some MySQL-specific queries.
- Adapt images and setup to work seamlessly with our Docker stack (for xDebug, exposed ports, user ownership of files, logs, config, scripted DB setup, composer runs, installation of required extensions, etc.)
- If CentralNotice is adapted to use a banner service that runs behind of Varnish, we can set up containers for that service and Varnish, too.
Also, here are my notes on getting xDebug working on the MW stock setup. Not sure if all this is normally required. I followed these steps:
- Added this to docker-compose.override.yaml:
extra_hosts: - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
- Added this to my .env file:
XDEBUG_CONFIG='client_port=9000 client_host=host.docker.internal mode=debug' XDEBUG_ENABLE=true
- Rebuilt the mediawiki container with docker-compose up -d.
- Inside the mediawiki container, added the following to /etc/php/7.2/fpm/conf.d/20-xdebug.ini:
xdebug.client_port=9000 xdebug.client_host=host.docker.internal xdebug.mode=debug xdebug.start_with_request=yes
- Restarted the mediawiki container with docker-compose restart mediawiki.
(For some reason, the environment variable values from the .env file were not taken into account without the changes to the ini file, but after that, the ones from the .env file took precedence.)