Ideally, this local Mediawiki instance would automatically be loaded up with the same pages and templates used to create the Donate Wiki interface, and also with banners, campaigns and templates for testing Fundraising banners locally.
It seems unlikely that the content or code for Donate Wiki and FR banners/CN would interfere with each other. Since both systems run on the same version of Mediawiki, as deployed to the main production cluster, it seems fine to use a single container/MW instance for both.
Due to the combined function of providing dev support for both Donate Wiki and CentralNotice, I'd recommend the docker container and code source directory both be called centraldonut.
Tentatively, here are the steps involved:
- Add a mediawiki container.
- MW source based on master branch.
- Install FundraiserLandingPage extension and anything else it requires.
- Install CentralNotice extension and anything else it requires.
- Set up templates like those on by downloading wikitext source using the Mediawiki API, automatically replacing links to go to local payments wiki, and creating local wiki pages. See this doc for more info.
- Also set up a test CentralNotice campaign, test FR banners and required templates, also by downloading wikitext source using the Mediawiki API, automatically replacing links to go to local payments wiki.
- Ensure that local permissions for CN banner content and translation approvals are the same as those on production.
- Add LocalSettings.php under config/centraldonut.
- Add setup steps for installation, update, users with appropriate permissions, and default port exposed on host system.
- Provide a mechanism to keep all wiki content up-to-date.
- Enjoy your local centraldonut!