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[tbs]Find a way to easy pull logs from build process
Closed, ResolvedPublic


To be able to easily debug or know what's happening with your build

Some requirements:

  • Users should have access to their tools logs
  • Ability to tail-like or dump logs
  • Differentiate between:
    • Pipeline logs (pipelinerun related)
    • Task logs (tasrun related)
      • For the taskrun, differentiate between each container/step in it

Some existing tools:

  • Tekton client (tkn): tkn taskrun logs -f

Event Timeline

dcaro moved this task from To refine to Refined on the User-dcaro board.
dcaro renamed this task from Find a way to easy pull logs from build process to [tbs]Find a way to easy pull logs from build process.Dec 7 2021, 8:37 AM
dcaro claimed this task.
dcaro moved this task from Done to In Review on the Toolforge Build Service (Iteration 15) board.
dcaro moved this task from In Review to Done on the Toolforge Build Service (Iteration 15) board.