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relevancy score for Items in RDF output
Open, Needs TriagePublic


As an query writer I want to be able to easily sort my query results by relevancy in order to provide others with a meaningfully ranked query result.

People have to somehow figure out which signals they can use to sort their query results by (for the queries where this isn't inherent in the query result like events with dates that you can sort by). Currently people use a mix of at least these relevancy signals:

  • number of Labels
  • number of sitelinks
  • number of external IDs
  • number of statements

We want to add a relevancy score to the RDF output so that it can easily be used in queries to sort relusts where desired. This relevancy score is a best approximation and is not going to be perfect for all cases. We are aiming for useful-most-of-the-time. If people want something different for a particular query they can still make use of individual relevancy signals directly.


  • query for all German poets and sort them by relevancy

Acceptance criteria:

  • for each Item a relevancy score can be queried

Event Timeline

Change 736773 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hoo man; author: Hoo man):

[mediawiki/extensions/] Add a relevance score to Item RDF output

Manuel added a subscriber: Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE.

Hi @Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, I am adding you here as I think that Thiemo suggested you as a reviewer for this.

Hi @Lydia_Pintscher, I see that you removed this from the Sprint board with hoo still assigned. What is the status of this?

Aklapper removed hoo as the assignee of this task.May 16 2024, 5:03 PM
Aklapper added a subscriber: hoo.

@hoo: Removing task assignee as this open task has been assigned for more than two years - see the email sent to all task assignees on 2024-04-15.
Please assign this task to yourself again if you still realistically [plan to] work on this task - it would be welcome! :)
If this task has been resolved in the meantime, or should not be worked on by anybody ("declined"), please update its task status via "Add Action… 🡒 Change Status".
Also see for tips how to best manage your individual work in Phabricator. Thanks!