On Commons, this works as expected: {{#statements:P195|from=M96461067}}. It produces the value of M96461067's P195 statement (National Archives at College Park - Still Pictures).
This one does not work as expected: {{#statements:P195|from=M89709639}}. Instead, it seems to produce [[Category:Media contributed by Toledo-Lucas County Public Library]], which is not the label of M89709639's P195 value, but actually the value of that item's P373 statement, and not even part of M89709639's structured data at all.
This can be reproduced with other statements, but I'm not yet sure what is the cause (so please edit the title of this task as necessary!). For example, {{#statements:P9126|from=M96461067}} is a property with three values. Two of these work as expected, so it shows , National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives at College Park - Still Pictures, but the first value is again giving a category found in P373 of the property value's Wikidata item.
I have put various examples here of unexpected results: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Dominic/tests