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Install latest package for maps-deduped-tilelist (v0.0.4)
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We merged a couple of fixes to maps-deduped-tilelist required for OSM sync and I published a new release.

We need to build a new package and push it to the apt repo so it ends up being deployed on maps master nodes.

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Jgiannelos added a subscriber: MoritzMuehlenhoff.

@MoritzMuehlenhoff Will you be available to help us with that?

@MoritzMuehlenhoff Will you be available to help us with that?

Sorry for the late reply, busy end of year period :-) I've just built 0.0.4, but didn't upload to yet. Let me know whether I should still do so given the forthcoming holiday period, otherwise I'll do it in early January.

No worries, thanks for the help. Lets wait until after the holiday period.

@MoritzMuehlenhoff Hey! We tried to tackle meanwhile some other issues using the same util. Could you help us to update to the latest version (0.0.5)?

I pushed a tag just now and it looks like debian packages are being built without any issues. I also tested the package locally and looks like its working fine:

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2022-01-13T16:27:22Z] <moritzm> impor maps-deduped-tilelist 0.0.5 to buster-wikimedia/main T297408

I've built and imported 0.0.5 to, let know if you need anything else!