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Reassign mentors at Turkish Wikipedia
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The following mentors have been banned at Turkish Wikipedia. Their mentees have to be reassigned:

  • Cedreon
  • Leaply
  • Victor Trevor

Initial request.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Hello @Trizek-WMF and @Anerka, thanks for filling the task. Unfortunately, doesn't appear to be translated to Turkish. Can you provide a translation for that message, please? I will use it when mass-reassigning the mentees (you can see how that will look like at French Wikipedia).


mysql:research@dbstore1007.eqiad.wmnet [trwiki]> select user_id, user_name from user where user_name in ('Cedreon', 'Leaply', 'Victor Trevor');
| user_id | user_name     |
| 1235978 | Cedreon       |
| 1226395 | Leaply        |
| 1187740 | Victor Trevor |
3 rows in set (0.001 sec)

mysql:research@dbstore1005.eqiad.wmnet [trwiki]> select * from growthexperiments_mentor_mentee where gemm_mentor_role = 'primary' and gemm_mentor_id in (1235978, 1226395, 1187740);
Empty set (0.001 sec)

mysql:research@dbstore1005.eqiad.wmnet [trwiki]>