Querying ProcseeBot's user logs via the API often results in internal_api_error_DBQueryError.
Example request params:
{ format: 'json', formatversion: '2', maxlag: 5, assert: 'bot', action: 'query', list: 'logevents', leprop: 'title|comment|timestamp', leend: '2021-02-25T21:20:28.572Z', lelimit: 'max', letype: 'block', leuser: 'ProcseeBot', lestart: '2021-12-09T09:20:14.605Z' }
SDZeroBot does this to maintain WP:Bot activity monitor. Starting from Dec 16, the error has occurred 172 times as of 2 Jan.
Bot logs can be seen here: https://sdzerobot.toolforge.org/logs?type=out&log=bot-monitor&lines=10000 Use Ctrl+F for "DBQueryError" to find full response headers and request IDs.