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Account recovery help needed for Developer account Ollie Shotton
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I have been blocked from logging into Wikitech using my Developer account due to not having adding an email address to the account. Please reset my password so that I can continue using my Developer account and add my email address to the account.

Event Timeline

As per the password reset instructions, to verify my identity a password reset request file can be found at bastion-eqiad1-01.bastion.eqiad.wmflabs:/home/ollieshotton/password-reset-request.txt containing the link to this task.


root@bastion-eqiad1-01:~# ls -la /home/ollieshotton/password-reset-request.txt 
-rw------- 1 ollieshotton wikidev 42 Jan  7 15:05 /home/ollieshotton/password-reset-request.txt
root@bastion-eqiad1-01:~# cat /home/ollieshotton/password-reset-request.txt

Which e-mail do you want to have attached to your developer account? The one attached to your SUL account? Note that developer account emails will be visible publicly.

Yes, please add my email to the account. Thanks

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2022-01-07T15:18:50Z] <taavi> reset email address for Ollie Shotton developer account per T298779

Done! You should now be able to reset your password using Please close this task when you've confirmed it works.

Thank you! I can confirm I have managed to reset the password and log in to my account.