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Federated Properties cannot be enabled from the config UI
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


As determined in T299127, will not support Federated Properties at launch. We will accomplish this by ensuring it is disabled by default and removing the ability to enable it from the wiki config UI.

Given I am logged in as a user on
When I load the config screen for a wiki
Then the Federated Properties configuration module is disabled and communicates to me in some way that this option is not available

Link to figma (source of truth)

image.png (310×1 px, 35 KB)

Storytime notes
Q: Is this switch still needed for
A: Testing users will not have access to the dashboard of wikis they use for testing on SO we need not worry about any special UI changes there. We will / can enable fed props on these specific testing wikis using the backend ways.

Q: What should the message in the UI be?
A: Figma file reflects text we should use


  • would the "red" setting of the v-card (previously used vuetify component) need to be removed in order to use the disabled state?
  • Whether it is disabled somehow in the backend is a decision to be made by engineers during breakdown

Event Timeline

Addshore renamed this task from Remove Federated Properties from the config UI to Federated Properties can not be enabled from the config UI.Jan 19 2022, 1:35 PM
Addshore updated the task description. (Show Details)
Samantha_Alipio_WMDE renamed this task from Federated Properties can not be enabled from the config UI to Federated Properties cannot be enabled from the config UI.Feb 2 2022, 9:08 PM
Tarrow subscribed.

The PR has been moved to the repo we were mostly working on:

I added some comments to this in case you wanted to take a look @Rosalie_WMDE. I also, while reviewing and trying to remind myself how Vue/Veutify works did a dry run of implementing some of the changes I suggested. In case you wanted to take a look at this work you can see

Finally there is one tiny open question about the tile setting for the v-card aimed at @Charlie_WMDE. To quote from something I asked in realtime chat:

I was reviewing the FeddyProps change and I was surprised to see in the code that we tweaked the card to add a tile setting to the v-card
I then looked in the figma sketch and saw that it also had a tile explicitly mentioned in the descriptive box
but to me the picture looks like tile is not set. As I understand it tile mode results in sharp rather than rounded radius corners on the card

Finally there is one tiny open question about the tile setting for the v-card aimed at @Charlie_WMDE. To quote from something I asked in realtime chat:

I was reviewing the FeddyProps change and I was surprised to see in the code that we tweaked the card to add a tile setting to the v-card
I then looked in the figma sketch and saw that it also had a tile explicitly mentioned in the descriptive box
but to me the picture looks like tile is not set. As I understand it tile mode results in sharp rather than rounded radius corners on the card

For documentation purposes: There was a misunderstanding regarding tiles vs. v-card. The cards should have the same look as the other cards on the page meaning that we do not want the "tile" setting for this one.