Our effective standard for writing Vue code is to use jest for local (non-MW) testing of Vue components. This will need some moderately significant changes to adapt for the migration to Vue3 and Vuex4; currently everything's still running tests on Vue2/Vuex3, despite production running Vue3 and as of this week Vue4.
Initial looking suggests:
- Package changes
- vue 2.6.11 -> 3.2.23 and added @vue/compat 3.2.23
- vue-jest 3.0.5 -> @vue/vue3-jest 27.0.0-alpha.4
- @vue/test-utils 1.2.0 -> 2.0.0-rc.18
- eslint-plugin-jest 24.3.3 -> 25.7.0
- jest 26.0.1 -> 27.4.7
- vuex 3.6.2 -> 4.0.2
- jest config changes
- ???