List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):
- I got a notification for a new reply in
- The reply by Deor (talk) 22:57, 9 March 2022 (UTC)
What happens?:
I got a link that directed me to
So the the DiscussionTools ID (or DTID) from the notification is c-Deor-2022-03-09T22:57:00.000Z-Deor-2022-03-09T19:34:00.000Z.
This alert popped up: "This comment could not be found. It might have been deleted or moved."
What should have happened instead?:
The actual DTID (as found in the HTML source) is c-Deor-2022-03-09T22:57:00.000Z-Alexis_Jazz-2022-03-09T20:46:00.000Z.
I have a guess what might have caused this: me. I've been developing Bawl for about three months now, and one of the things it does is the insertion of a comment locator, which encapsulates the signature in a span. I'm aware this is kind of non-standard (not that there is any real standard for comments in wikitext) and that wasn't a decision a took lightly. I'd be more than happy to answer inquiries about it, but it's here to stay.
I'm guessing DiscussionTools uses a different method to generate the DTID for the notification area than it does on the page itself, causing it to skip my comment which includes a Bawl locator when generating the DTID for the notification area. (struck: it was all DT!) However, it could be something else entirely - I've never seen this error before, so maybe it's an unrelated fluke of some sort.