Our current onboarding experience doesn't take users on a deliberate guided journey. At present we send users on paths based on if they are logged in or not. We also post tooltips depending on what feature a user is looking at. Our desire is to be more deliberate on surfacing guidance and features to our users at the right time based on their potential interests.
The Task
Develop a user journey for the following personas:
- Lifelong Learners (Logged in vs. Not) and with the assumption this persona hasn't edited and their primary purpose for the app is reading
- Collaborator/Patroller (Logged in vs Not)- with the assumption this user doesn't make traditional long form "edits" to Wikipedia often but favors translations, patrolling and discussing edits. They're a casual reader.
- Experienced Editor- with the assumption this person goes to Desktop for their long form editing but is willing to do some micro contribution edits on the app here and there. Notifications are important here because they are an active editor. The leverage some of the reading features in the app. (Logged In vs Anon)
- Invited user- These people come for the community. They were introduced to editing by attending an event (Logged In)
- Organizer- These people are experienced editors but spending more of their time with organizing events and campaigns to recruit new editors (Logged In)
@scblr and @JTannerWMF will work through this list together in the format chosen by @scblr.
Solid lines will indicate pathways to existing features and dotted/dashed lines will indicate pathways to proposed/future features
User Story
To be added