Page MenuHomePhabricator too greedy when removing template
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I was trying to remove the template "koord" from this revision using the following command: python3 template -remove "koord". Instead of just removing the {{koord}} template, the script attempted to remove that template plus everything up to the end of the {{formatnum:14500}}.

In order to reproduce, put the following text on a wikipage:

{{infoboks arena
| navn = 3Arena
| bilde = 3Arena, Dublin (geograph 5417559).jpg
| bildetekst = 
| kallenavn = 
| adresse = North Wall Quay <br />[[Dublin]] D1 <br />D01 EW90 <br />
| beliggenhet = 
| land = [[Irland]]
| koordinater = 
| høyde = {{koord|53|20|51|N|06|13|43|V}}
| eier = Apollo Leisure Group Ltd.
| drift = Live Nation
| brukere = 
| underlag = 
| banestørrelse = 
| kapasitet = {{formatnum:14500}} publikummere
| arkitekt = 
| pris = 
| kart = 
| tidligere navn = The O<sub>2</sub> {{small|(2008–14)}}
| påbegynt = 2007
| åpnet = 2008
| stengt =
| revet =

Then run the command I indicated above.

Expected result: Only the {{koord}} template should be removed, nothing more.

Actual result: Everything from the start of the second {{koord}} template to the end of the {{formatnum:}} code is removed.