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Making a MediaWiki Skin
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Username or display name (will be displayed publicly): Jdlrobson

Categories/Tags/Keywords (up to 5): skins, frontend development

Session type (select one): Short presentation (including Q/A)

Session Details

Powered by the redesign of Vector (Desktop Improvements (Vector 2022) project) we've made various changes to skins with the hope of making it easier to make a MediaWiki skin that's compatible with extensions. Previously you needed to understand PHP and a lot of MediaWiki to make a skin, but now you just need to be familiar with frontend development. We currently have 92 working skins in the MediaWiki universe, as a stretch-goal let's try and get that to 100 before the end of the hackathon.

  • Presentation:
    • Introduction: Why skins? Why should we care about skins
    • Building skins
      • and the skin creator
      • Talk about data ./ views
      • Migrating skins
      • How others can get involved and improve things, request new functionality
    • Open discussion about skin development
NOTE: If there is interest we'll arrange follow up sessions to help people build skins during the hackathon weekend.

Target audience:

Calling all frontend developers who are building a skin, want to build a skin or make improvements to all skins during the hackathon weekend!

I'm looking to connect with anyone interested in making skins, people who are building skins, or people who have skins and want to migrate them to the new platform, as well as meet with the people who have been helping build out this platform!

What will participants get out of this session?

The session should be useful for people who want to:

  • build a skin
  • improve an existing skin
    • learn about changes post MediaWiki 1.35
  • connect with people who are building skins.
    • get more involved in the skin architecture

(Optional) Additional resources:


If you are interested in this session please send a goat token using the Phabricator UI. If you have any requests of topics we could cover please add a comment.

If there's interest I'll run a session (with recording) to talk about the changes we've made, field any questions, and discuss improvements we can make to the skin.

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Skins to Skins session at the MediaWiki hackathon.Mar 17 2022, 9:22 PM
Jdlrobson updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jdlrobson updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jdlrobson awarded a token.

(Please use the template linked from the project page to create proposals - thanks)

Hi! If you want to add this to the schedule, please feel free to claim a slot! You can link to this page so people have more information.

(For the records, there is a skin related session proposed by @Zend2020 on the schedule but it's unclear to me @Zend2020's plans are. @Zend2020: Maybe you could elaborate?)

So sorry did not elaborate what I mean(t) about skins , I am referring to
the inaccessibility of the interface for PWD. I found out during a project
which I led
The blind editors had issues from step 1 creating an account and the trail
of issues began,I am hoping to have one of them that is blind prospective
editor Harry Osibote who is also a techie speak along with me if he agrees.
This is because he has, on his own, been trying to troubleshoot the issue.I
hope I am clearer now?


Hi Gbemisola,
Thanks for sharing your information about the session! If you'd like, you can link your session on the schedule to this description.

So my plan for this session was to cover the following:

  • Introduction: Why skins? Why should we care about skins
  • Building skins
    • and the skin creator
    • Talk about data ./ views
    • How others can get involved and improve things, request new functionality
  • Open discussion about skin development

The session should be useful for people who want to:

  • build a skin
  • learn about changes post 1.35
  • connect with people who are building skins.
  • get more involved in the skin architecture

Does this sound interesting?

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Skins session at the MediaWiki hackathon to Making a MediaWiki Skin.May 5 2022, 9:01 PM

Cool, thanks!

Checked out the skins too, seems clear enough it helps the issues I am
trying to highlight which is addnew functionality

@Zend2020 please create a new Phabricator ticket for your session, as I'm not sure what you had in mind but I won't be covering accessibility in my session (I have team members who might be interested in doing one if you are though!!).

I think this session isn't correctly scheduled. The time is 16:00 but it's in the UTC morning group of meetings

@Jdlrobson: Thanks for participating in the Hackathon! We hope you had a great time.

  • If this session / event took place: Please change the task status to resolved via the Add Action...Change Status dropdown.
    • If there are specific follow-up tasks from this session / event: Please create dedicated tasks and add another active project tag to those tasks, so others can find those tasks (as likely nobody in the future will look at the Hackathon workboard when trying to find something they are interested in).
  • In this session / event did not take place: Please set the task status to declined.

Thank you,
your Hackathon venue housekeeping service