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Data request for TeWiki diff post
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Name for main point of contact and contact preference
POC - Praveen Das. I would prefer an email communication

What teams or departments is this for?
Partnerships and Movement comms are working together to get a diff post on behalf of the Telugu Community. Please refer here to learn more about the project.

What are your goals? How will you use this data or analysis?
As the India Brand Experiment is scheduled for next month following the India Fundraising drive. This placement of this data will help in making the impact of the Tewiki community on the project to enhance Wikipedia. This will boost community morale and will also showcase the effort of Indian communities in improving the free knowledge repository. This data is intended to go public to show the impact of community effort.

What are the details of your request? Include relevant timelines or deadlines
We are expecting to post the diff article in the second week of April 2022. Hence would request to get the requested data max by 6th April 2022.
We would like to request data for:

User names: Please see email to product-analytics on 2022 March 18 for list of user names [subject line: Data request for TeWiki diff post, Dated 2022 March 18].

Time period:

1 August 2016 to 17 March 2022

Is this request urgent or time-sensitive?
The request is "Time Sensitive" given that the placement of the diff post is critical.
During consultation hour, @nshahquinn-wmf did mention this request might take some because of the complexity.

Event Timeline

kzimmerman added a project: Campaign-Tools.
kzimmerman added subscribers: ifried, kzimmerman.

Given the timeline, complexity of the data investigation needed, and our current workload, I am declining this request.

@ifried is this on your radar with the Campaigns team? I'm tagging your team in case it needs to be considered there

@PDas notes via email: "This is something significant and strategically placed around the India Brand Experiment and Fundraising Drive for India.
Would you be able to share a reasonable timeline for gathering this type of data?
We can then discuss internally and may push the dates for diff post further."

mpopov claimed this task.
mpopov edited projects, added Product-Analytics (Kanban); removed Product-Analytics.
mpopov subscribed.

I'll follow up with Kate on this (what the timeline looks like, whether we have resources)

mpopov triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 29 2022, 8:40 PM
mpopov moved this task from Needs Investigation to Doing on the Product-Analytics (Kanban) board.