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PHP 8.1 intersection types interpreted as by-reference passing
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Using PHP 8.1 intersection types raises errors, because some sniffs read the ampersand of the intersection types as a by-reference.

  * @param AClass & AnInterface $thing
function changeThing( AClass & AnInterface $thing ): void {

The error message are

Pass-by-reference for parameter $thing does not match pass-by-reference of variable name $thing (MediaWiki.Commenting.FunctionComment.ParamPassByReference)


Expected 0 spaces after reference operator for argument "$thing"; 1 found (Squiz.Functions.FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacing.SpacingAfterReference)

The latter sniff is an external dependency and not ready for PHP 8.1 intersection types yet (see ), but the former could theroretically be worked on already.