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[Small wiki toolkits] Introduction to SuggestBot
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This session is listed under "Localization and Small Wikis Room" on the schedule page: It is scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 21st, 17:00 UTC

@nettrom_WMF will host a 50-minute session on Saturday May 21 to give an introduction to SuggestBot. We'll make sure the answer the following questions, but probably also cover a few other things:

  • What different features does the bot offer?
  • How to enable it on a wiki?
  • What configuration steps would one need to make in a bot to accommodate a local wiki’s needs?
  • What additional procedure would a community need to get internal approval to run the bot?
  • How to host the bot on Wikimedia Toolforge?
  • What will it take to monitor the bot and ensure it is working as expected?
  • What does the bot’s emergency response procedure look like?

Event Timeline

Thanks for creating this! I am only wondering, is 25 min good enough for this session? Another suggestion that you can feel very free to ignore. Would it be possible for you to run this session on the following day (around the same time) instead? Both @komla and I were planning to be in your room as facilitators/moderators, and we happen to be in another session around that time. So, if you can push it by a day, that would be awesome!

Dnshitobu subscribed.

Thank you for creating the bot. I hope wet could make it an hour session to leave room for proper demonstration

Thanks for the comments, @srishakatux and @Dnshitobu! I did see the conflict with the other session, and I've now moved it to a similar time slot on Saturday instead. Once I started working on some slides I also got concerned about the 25 min duration, and hearing you both raise that concern as well made me change it to a full 50 mins. I'll make sure to plan for some demonstration of the bot as well. Thanks again for the feedback!

srishakatux renamed this task from Hackathon session: Introduction to SuggestBot to [Small wiki toolkits] Introduction to SuggestBot.May 16 2022, 10:09 PM

This presentation has been held, and I've uploaded the slides to Commons.

Hi Nettrom_wmf,

I have gone through the documentation and would try to see if I can get it
installed on Dagbani wikipedia at

Thanks and Regards