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Cannot open the talk page correctly after opening an in-article link with an anchor
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to "I've Just Seen a Face" in enwiki.
  2. Scroll down a little bit to see the last sentence of the first section "... a brushed snare and maracas.".
  3. Click on the "brushed" in-article link and go to the article.
  4. Go to its talk page

1655168312575.jpg (1×816 px, 557 KB)

Expected results

See the full list of talk topics

Actual results

Directly open the talk topic called "Brushes" instead of the full list.

Event Timeline

cooltey renamed this task from Cannot open the talk page correctly after opening in-article link to Cannot open the talk page correctly after opening an in-article link with an anchor.Jun 14 2022, 1:00 AM