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Add CTR for sister projects on special:search to search improvements dashboard
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This ticket is to track whether the visual changes we're making to the way sister projects are displayed (outside of quickview) in T307468 impacts their CTR, and add that information to the search improvements dashboard in the parent task. The sister projects are already instrumented using existing data/logging.

We also need to collect baselines before we release the changes.

Dashboard for tracking CTR

Event Timeline

mpopov triaged this task as Medium priority.

(08/24) Update query and result to include only successful full text searches.

A first pass on calculating CTR for sister projects on special:search page. The numbers and the calculations can be found in this Jupyter notebook. It uses the past 7 days as the source of the data and was run on 2022-07-07, meaning it reflects the week from 2022-06-30 through 2022-07-06.

We define CTR for sister projects as number of sister projects on special:search page clicked, divided by number of fulltext search queries.

Russian Wikipedia: CTR for sister projects over a 7-day period 1.08% (1,776 out of 164,415)

Portuguese Wikipedia: CTR for sister projects over a 7-day period 0.84% (695 out of 82,832)

Indonesian Wikipedia: CTR for sister projects over a 7-day period 0.69% (173 out of 24,984)

Added weekly click through rate of Sister project widgets on Special:Search in this dashboard:

Updated dashboard with all projects, added project and project family filter.