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Add primary key for database table cx_suggestions
Open, In Progress, MediumPublic


The table cx_suggestions does not have a primary key or a unique index.

Please add a primary key as best practice by choosing one or more relevant columns which must be unique by functional or add a new column with an autoincrement value as surrogate key.

Current schema
CREATE TABLE /*_*/cx_suggestions (
    -- Foreign key to cxl_id
    cxs_list_id int NOT NULL,
    -- Source language code
    cxs_source_language varbinary(36) NOT NULL,
    -- Target language code
    cxs_target_language varbinary(36),
    -- Title of the suggestion
    cxs_title varbinary(512) NOT NULL
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;

CREATE INDEX /*i*/cx_suggestions_by_lang ON /*_*/cx_suggestions (

Primary key helps on database maintenance and it can make deletions on the table easier and avoid deadlocks with other deletion or inserts

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Event Timeline

Nikerabbit triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 1 2022, 11:32 AM
Nikerabbit moved this task from Needs Triage to Enhancements on the ContentTranslation board.

Change 828018 had a related patch set uploaded (by Diesel kapasule; author: Diesel kapasule):

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Add cxs_list_id as primary key to table cx_suggestions

Diesel_kapasule changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Aug 30 2022, 3:17 PM
Diesel_kapasule claimed this task.

Change 830110 had a related patch set uploaded (by Diesel kapasule; author: Diesel kapasule):

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] schema: Add new column cxs_id and convert it to primary key

Change 828018 abandoned by Diesel kapasule:

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Add cxs_list_id as primary key to table cx_suggestions


Change 830110 abandoned by Nikerabbit:

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] schema: Add new column cxs_id and convert it to primary key


We are planning to drop this table in the future, so it does not make sense to do a schema change for it.