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Bad auto-scale for
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • with a standard screen resolution, open a random article on fr.wikipedia
  • try to zoom

What happens?:
*zooming up to 133%: there is no problem
*when you zoom to 150%, suddenly the sidebar takes up the whole screen, and you have to scroll down a lot to see the beginning of the article.

What should have happened instead?:

  • this is not a narrow screen case as described in T306660, the "squished article" effect is not so effective with 150% of zoom, so consequently the sidebar should not take up the whole screen

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
1366x768 standard screen resolution
Windows 10, Firefox 102.0.1 64 bits or Chrome 103.0.5060.114

A video:

Firefox :
zoom: 133%
what you see on your screen

Screenshot 2022-07-12 at 10-38-27 Justice (Arménie) zoom 133 pourcent — Wikipédia.png (626×1 px, 114 KB)

the entire page
Screenshot 2022-07-12 at 10-38-19 Justice (Arménie) zoom 133 pourcent — Wikipédia.png (1×1 px, 329 KB)

zoom: 150%
what you see on your screen

Screenshot 2022-07-12 at 10-36-26 Justice (Arménie) zoom 150 pourcent — Wikipédia.png (625×1 px, 55 KB)

the entire page

Screenshot 2022-07-12 at 10-36-38 Justice (Arménie) zoom 150 pourcent — Wikipédia.png (2×1 px, 348 KB)

Opera :

image.png (1×1 px, 325 KB)

Event Timeline

Hi @Ecnexam.noterbel, thanks for taking the time to report this and welcome to Wikimedia Phabricator!

Please use the bug report form (linked from the top of the task creation page) to create a bug report, and fill in the sections in the template:

What happens?:

What should have happened instead?:

This is working as intended. If you zoom you are letting the browser you know that you can't read the content. If the sidebar did not stack on top this would result in unreadable squished article text which is surely worse.

Could you rephrase this task as a problem? What can't you do because of this behaviour?

@Jdlrobson thank you for answering.
The user explains what is the problem for him (translated with Deepl):

  • scrolling is required to access the article (but you have to know this, otherwise you may think the page is empty)
  • the text of the interlanguage links T301262 says "On this language version of Wikipedia, the interlanguage links are placed at the top right of the article title. Go to top", while the links are below when in zoom mode.
  • when you zoom, by default the ToC doesn't appear, it is "hidden" under a button that you have to click on to make it appear. The function of this button is not at all obvious, you must first notice its presence, and then you must guess that it is used to open/close the ToC
  • When you open the ToC, it "cuts into" the article, you can't read it anymore; so it's impossible to have the summary and the article text on the screen simultaneously. In zoom mode, this feature doesn't bring much compared to the previous version where the menu was present at the top, it requires the same number of clicks to navigate between the content and the summary (edit: actually, it's even worse, it requires an extra click). It would be problematic to open the default summary without fixing this cropping problem, especially for users who did not understand that they had to click on the icon to make the summary disappear.

In zoom mode, his suggestion is to have the ToC opened on the top on the sidebar, (more like in the legacy Vector and I think like here).

Probably some points are resolved with T311160.
In my experience, the article is squished with narrow screen as you marked here T306660, however the "squished article" effect is not so effective with 150% of zoom on a standard screen. In my opinion, it should be possible to set the visualisation of 150% as in the 133% for the 1366x768 resolution.

Jdlrobson closed this task as Resolved.EditedJul 12 2022, 6:01 PM
Jdlrobson claimed this task.
Jdlrobson added a subscriber: alexhollender_WMF.
  • scrolling is required to access the article - I assume the issue here is the fact the sidebar is open by default? In which case that will be taken care of in T287609
  • the text of the interlanguage links is captured in T303267.
  • when you zoom, by default the ToC doesn't appear - we are thinking about this in T311160
  • when you open the ToC, it "cuts into" the article - I don't think we have any particular tasks around this but the work here is still in progress, so it might make sense to wait for T306660 to be completed before judging.

In zoom mode, his suggestion is to have the ToC opened on the top on the sidebar, (more like in the legacy Vector and I think like here).

I'm not following the suggestion here ? When I zoom in on the prototype - the table of contents also collapses. The table of contents is never on top of the sidebar in legacy Vector?

I'm resolving this ticket, as it seems like feedback rather than a bug report and the bugs mentioned here are already tracked elsewhere. I'm going to make sure our designer @alexhollender_WMF sees this ticket so he can factor it into the work in progress.

PS. the video on the Bistro was super helpful! Merci beaucoup!