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make dates dynamics
Closed, DeclinedPublic


The date in CR is always shown fully such as:

17:55, 6 June 2011

It will be great to show the date relative to the current time. Given the date is 18:00, 6 June 2011, it will be great to render the above date as '5 min. ago'

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 21 2014, 11:27 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz29289.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Well, we don't really do that anywhere else despite having the same sorts of interfaces for seeing page history, changes, talk, etc.

It would be an odd thing to just stash in for this ext; doing these well also requires that you have JS to update them while the page remains open, and it probably makes sense to have common infrastructure for that.

Adding bug 19992 as a dependency; if relative dates are to be used, for best results they need to be marked up so they can be updated via JavaScript.

This allows:

a) formatting absolute timestamps with the user-agent's timezone settings, with no caching implications

b) keeping relative times up to date by recalculating them once a minute or whatever

lowering priority of CodeReview bugs I have opened or that are assigned to me.

We are probably going to loose interest in CodeReview. Although this enhancement might be good to have for CodeReview user, I don't feel like keeping it open and idling for the next years.

Feel free to create a dupe of this bug if you really want this enhancement request to be tracked.

Reopening--just because we're not doing much internal development is no reason to resolve it LATER. Anyone can feel free to work on this, open bugs don't hurt anyone.

The CodeReview extension is abandoned. No point in implementing that feature.