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Define how to authenticate with Cassandra and test Flink POC
Closed, ResolvedPublicSpike


Because our work with Flink is still in the POC stage, we currently don't have any infrastructure to support the different stages of development. In lieu of a staging environment we've been manually building the jar files and deploy Flink jobs on Yarn, which works fine for most of our development needs so far, but falls short when the job needs to authenticate to a separate service (i.e. Cassandra). I'm hesitant to have credentials laying around in a stat box so that Flink can pick it up, but there might not be any better alternatives right now.

Ideally we'd at least have some sort of deployment pipeline that can inject any necessary secrets so we don't have to personally deal with them. And ideally we'd have a staging environment so that the jobs aren't hitting production databases.

Semi-related: T311070 about Flink app config for Yarn

Event Timeline

Restricted Application changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Spike". · View Herald TranscriptJul 22 2022, 10:50 PM

We are definitely going to need a Better Way™, but in the meantime I've made the credentials available to @tchin on one of the stat hosts. This is meant as a temporary fix.

@tchin I'm not sure what deployment and/or testing looks like right now -but if possible- please store these somewhere they can't easily be read by anyone else.

Once we've established the right way to secure this information, we'll need to change the password (or altogether recreate the user).