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MM3/postorius: cannot use multiple accounts
Open, MediumPublic


I know that with MM3 you can use several lists with one account. For organizational reasons it does make sense for me to use different accounts for different kinds of lists, i.e. my private interest with my personal e-mail address, the VRT lists with an account connected to VRTS, and the daily-article-l with a different e-mail address and a different queue in VRTS.

However, is is not possible to be logged in with postorius with multiple accounts at the same time to easily switch between administration of lists of different categories. This should be possible.

When switching between accounts there appears additional pain because you cannot log out with a single click, but need to choose "logout" from a dropdown menu in the upper right corner, wait for the page to reload, then confirm with a button in the upper left corner, wait for the page to reload, and then click on the login button in the upper right corner again, wait for the page to reload, and then be able to enter your new account name and password.
This is far too much, you should be able to logout with a single click and be redirected to the login page immediately.

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I know that with MM3 you can use several lists with one account. For organizational reasons it does make sense for me to use different accounts for different kinds of lists, i.e. my private interest with my personal e-mail address, the VRT lists with an account connected to VRTS, and the daily-article-l with a different e-mail address and a different queue in VRTS.

Just to be clear, you know that you can link multiple email addresses to one account, and have list mail be routed to different email addresses based on your preferences, correct? If so, what's the point in having separate accounts?

Dzahn triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 1 2022, 9:30 PM

I don't want to have the list content e-mail reroutet, but the list admin notifications. Is this also possible?