When querying for some NL banners (those that end in "_ideal," we noticed that the banner column is populated with nulls. In chatting with the team, it looks like the trigger has an IF condition and only includes rows where the utm_source has 2 dots, while the "_ideal" donations have three dots.
Example Query
SELECT c.id id, DATE(c.receive_date) as date, DATE_FORMAT(c.receive_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') AS hourly_timestamp, HOUR(c.receive_date) as hour, country.iso_code, country.name AS country, s.banner, t.utm_source, c.total_amount AS total_amount FROM civicrm.civicrm_contribution as c LEFT JOIN drupal.contribution_tracking AS t ON c.id = t.contribution_id LEFT JOIN drupal.contribution_source AS s ON t.id = s.contribution_tracking_id LEFT JOIN civicrm.civicrm_address AS a ON (c.contact_id = a.contact_id AND a.is_primary = 1) LEFT JOIN civicrm.civicrm_country AS country ON a.country_id = country.id WHERE c.receive_date >= '2022-07-01' AND c.financial_type_id <> 14 AND c.contribution_status_id = 1 AND t.utm_medium = 'sitenotice' and t.utm_source='B2223_0830_nlNL_dsk_p1_lg_ctr_RemovedForLast5_optIn1.no-LP.rtbt.rtbt_ideal';