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Ensure presentational elements aren't read out to screenreaders for "[edit | edit source]"
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Because the brackets and vertical divider are actually present in the HTML as text, they are read out to screenreaders, making the "edit" and "edit source" links far less comprehensible. In addition, the usage of the before psuedo element on .mw-editsection means the screenreader reads out "zero width space" before the bracket (Tested with VO)

AE917D83-3734-4A79-A5E8-F831B4A072DE.JPG (1×3 px, 3 MB)


  • Brackets and vertical divider are replaced with psuedo elements and are not read out by screenreaders (i.e. similar to the "[hide]" button in modern Vector's TOC)
  • The psuedo element on .mw-editsection is removed
  • Screenreaders read out the element as "Heading 1, link, edit, link, edit source"