The story builder in wikistories allows a creator to select text from an article and use that as the caption for their stories. The wikistories tool currently allows users to manipulate the selected text gotten from an article into a state that completely changes the meaning and value of the content, leading to vandalism.
Current edit behaviour in the story builder: | With examples |
1. Making major text edits (adding/ removing many words) | example |
2. Making minor text edits (adding/ removing some words) | example |
3. Introducing text that is not from the article | example |
4. Replacing text with characters/ symbols | example |
5. Having only one word statements/ text | example |
6. Using language in the story that differs from the project language | example |
Other examples of stories that violate:
Description/User story
As a Wikistory editor,
I want to be reminded to maintain the original meaning of the selected text from Wikipedia article while creating a Wikistory, so that I can prevent vandalism, PoV, and editorial burden in idwiki.
- When a user enters editing mode, show a edit notice(message) below the text box saying "Thanks for keeping stories accurate".
- When the user starts editing the story text, change the message to "As you edit, please maintain the original meaning of the story text".
- If the user removes too much text from the story text, show a message saying "Please avoid removing too much text".
- Remove the "Done" button on the top toolbar.
- Replace the ">" arrow with a "Done" button.
- Change the "Create Wikistory" copy to "Edit text".
- Add a divider with a color of #C8CCD1 and a stroke of 1px to separate story text message from edit notices.
- Edit notices(messages) use a color of #54595D and font size of 14px.
- Close icon and back key behavior remain unchanged they display the discard dialogue when clicked.
- Clicking on the "Done" button saves the edits.
- Please modify the behavior to save edits only when users click on the "Edit" button. Additionally, please remove the current behavior of saving edits when users tap outside of the text box.
Note: We will begin by showing a simple message when the user removes too much text from the story text. However, based on our discussions with community members, we may consider changing the message in the future when we have a better understanding of the appropriate threshold. For now, the message "Please avoid removing too much text" will serve as a starting point. After discussing it with community members, we can change this message to reflect the actual threshold.
Acceptance Criteria
- When the user enters editing mode, a message should be displayed below the text box with the copy "Thanks for keeping stories accurate".
- When the user starts editing the story text, the message below the text box should change to "As you edit, please maintain the original meaning of the story text".
- If the user removes too much text from the story text, a message should be displayed below the text box with the copy "Please avoid removing too much text".
- The "Done" button on the top toolbar should be removed.
- The ">" arrow should be replaced with a "Done" button.
- The "Creating Wikistory" copy should be changed to "Edit text".
- A divider should be added below the story text message to separate it from edit notices. The divider should have a color of #C8CCD1 and a stroke of 1px.
- The edit notices (messages) should use a color of #54595D and font size of 14px.
Note: The message "Please avoid removing too much text" is a starting point and may be subject to change based on discussions with community members in the future.
Test Scenarios
Open questions
- Allowing a certain minimum text length & characters. If the selection/s from the article is greater than the minimum allowed, what options does the editor have? Trim the content without changing the meaning of the statements
- Checking for the degree of changes made on the story builder vs the original copied text e.g. 95% of change is allowed. If the selection/s from the article warrants editing so it conforms to the minimum allowed length, which of these 2 parameters takes precedence?
To answer the above, we could show but not restrict the changes as the editor is creating a story. Clear UX messaging and visuals to sensitise the user against making too many changes to the original text.
- Edge case: We don't have a highlighting criteria, a user can still select one word.
- Documentation on how CX does this: